Full Title: Gingival Recession: The Root Cause, Root Coverage and Route to Predictable Outcomes
Gingival recession can increase the risk for root sensitivity, root caries, and a negative esthetic appearance. In this course we will review the etiology of gingival recession expanding on risk factors such as, orthodontic therapy, biotype, toothpaste/ toothbrush abrasion, restorative therapy, plaque control and occlusion. The rationale and techniques for increasing the thickness of the gingival tissues, widening the occlusal-apical zone of attached gingiva, and root coverage will be discussed. The two classification systems for mucogingival defects relative to predictable root coverage will be presented. Clinical cases involving mucogingival treatment and the potential for root coverage of the natural dentition will be presented. The role of attached gingiva in reducing the risk for recession around dental implants will also be covered.