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Event Details
  • Saving the Tooth May Be the Clear Choice

    Teeth compromised by bone loss, caries, fracture, or impaction do not always need to be extracted and replaced with a dental implant. Retention of the natural dentition is still a viable option. Case selection for tooth retention is critical. Utilizing clinical case presentations this program will describe practical treatment objectives subsequent to collection and interpretation of clinical and radiographic findings. Possibilities for regeneration of bone and new attachment around the natural dentition as well as soft tissue root coverage will be reviewed. In cases with sub-gingival caries or fractures indications, contraindications and techniques crown lengthening will be discussed. In addition, adult patient clinical cases with impacted canines treated with surgical exposure and orthodontic therapy will be presented.

    • - Learn clinical and radiographic findings for predictable regenerative outcomes
    • - Review periodontal regenerative techniques
    • - Learn effective methods for root debridement during a regenerative procedure
    • - Compare regenerative materials i.e. bone grafts, barrier membranes and growth factors 
    • - Examine indications/ contraindications crown lengthening 
    • - Review soft tissue and osseous management for crown lengthening
    • - Learn techniques for exposure of ectopic canines with orthodontic extrusion
  • Speaker:

    Timothy Hempton, DDS: is an Adjunct Associate Clinical Professor at Tufts University, a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and the recipient of the 2011 Yankee Dental Congress Clinician of the Year award. He maintains a private practice Limited to Periodontics and Dental Implants in Dedham, MA


    Ancy Verdier, DMD:  is the founder of Worcester Periodontics, a periodontal dental practice located in Worcester , MA where he practices periodontology and implant dentistry. He earned his B.A. in Psychology from Tufts University, DMD and Periodontal residency at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Verdier is a Fellow in the International College of Dentists and American College of Dentists. He is also a regular contributor to Tufts Practice Based Research Network.

  • Massachusetts Dental Society
Recommended Audience
  • Assistant; Dental Student; Dentist; Hygienist; Office Staff
  • 2.0
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